A Talk for the Contemporary Glass Society Together on Wednesdays Hidden Depth” A talk by Ruth Shelley on Wednesday, 3rd November at 7.30pm
SPEAKERS Ruth Shelley, Rachel Phillips, Georgia Redpath, Helen Slater Stokes and Kate Jones. Ruth Shelley is an award-winning glass artist whose main interest is colour, especially how it is affected by shape, form and pattern. She is especially interested in the control of flow of glass when heated. Ruth comes from a background of textiles, although she has been working with glass for over twenty years. She has attended many masterclasses including North Lands Creative Glass, UK, and Bullseye Resource […]
I have been successful in being chosen to be commissioned by Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum of Wales to create content and to present a bi-lingual film to be linked with their Objects of Comfort resources collections. I decided to base my demonstrations/talk on a ‘current take’ on a Roman Glass Oil Flask, which can be seen in Caerleon Roman Museum. I made it in my studio in a kiln-formed style of Murine Cane. Below can be seen some […]